Christian Adoption Services Expands Golf Fundraising With Technology
For over 40 years, Christian Adoption Services (CAS) has placed children in need of a home with their forever families. Through domestic and international adoption, as well as foster-to-adopt programs, CAS cares for kids, birth families, and adoptive families throughout the adoption process.
“People don’t always understand why we need to fundraise,” says Sonia Livingston, Events Coordinator for CAS. “Because adoptive families pay a fee to our agency to adopt, people assume we don’t have fundraising needs, but those fees don’t cover all of the expenses or outreach programs.” CAS makes caring for birth mothers a priority, whether it’s coordinating doctor’s appointments, assisting with groceries or living expenses, or offering post-adoption counseling services. Much of this ministry is not covered by adoption fees, so the funds necessary to care for 200 birth mothers each year must come from outside fundraising efforts.
Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, the agency works throughout North Carolina and has expanded into South Carolina. This growth and expansion in programming allows the agency to serve more kids and families, but also requires raising additional funds.
CAS has relied on golf tournament fundraisers for several years. “They’re fun and a great chance for fellowship,” says Sonia, noting that proceeds from the golf events benefit the agency’s general operating fund to support services for birth mothers, adoption fee assistance, and overhead. Golf tournaments also present an important outreach opportunity for the agency. Because regular supporters tend to fill teams with people from their personal and professional networks, Sonia and her team are able to share more about their work and its impact with potential donors and sponsors. CAS also relies on banquets for fundraising, and while they certainly have value, golf has allowed CAS to do more than just raise money. Golf tournaments give staff the chance to interact with supporters, building relationships and networking. “During a banquet you don’t get to interact with people the same way you do at a golf tournament,” says Sonia.
The expansion into South Carolina has led the agency to kick off additional golf tournaments in its new service areas. Now with four golf tournaments to plan and execute, it was imperative to keep everything organized in one place and streamline the logistics to maximize organizers’ time as well as opportunities to bring in funds for the agency’s work.
Sonia and CAS adopted GolfStatus for their 2020 golf events, after looking for an option that allowed online registration and add-on purchases ahead of the event to streamline registration and check-in and maintain social distancing to protect staff members and golfers in the wake of COVID-19.
The 2021 golf tournament series marked CAS’s second year using GolfStatus as a solution. Sonia says the support of GolfStatus’s in-house customer success team was invaluable. GolfStatus’s team built CAS’s first event registration website, and Sonia was able to make changes as necessary and copy events for easy set up. “Having one place to keep track of everything is a huge benefit of using GolfStatus,” Sonia says.
Highlighted Platform Features:
Event website
Online registration and secure payment processing
Fundraising add-ons (raffle tickets and mulligans)
Sponsor management
Drag-and-drop hole assignments
Pre-formatted professional event printouts with sponsor logos
Detailed reporting
Live scoring and leaderboards
“Having one place to keep track of everything is a huge benefit of using GolfStatus.”
Thus far in 2021, the golf events have hit their fundraising goals and Sonia hopes each golf event continues to grow as their service area grows. Their biggest event takes place in September, and Sonia is all in on using GolfStatus to keep things organized, professional, and running smoothly.
Online Registration & Add-Ons
GolfStatus’s event website with secure online registration allowed golfers to purchase add-ons like mulligans and raffle tickets with their golfer package, rather than having to wait until the day of the event and buying them separately. “Letting golfers buy those when they registered made it so much easier, and we sold more mulligans and raffle tickets!” Sonia says, noting that they communicated with supporters the tournament, encouraging them to purchase those pieces in advance.
Tournament Format
Holding tournaments during COVID-19 led CAS to switch to tee time starts rather than the traditional shotgun start to stagger the number of people at the golf course at the same time. It turned out to be a positive change—more golfers were able to participate, bringing in additional funds, and it gave staff a chance to connect and talk with each team as they teed off on the first hole. Teams used GolfStatus’s mobile app to record their scores for the tournament’s scramble, which automatically synced to the event leaderboards. Not only did this add a competitive element to the tournament as teams could check live standings, but it made it easy for organizers to see how the tournament was progressing as scores were posted.
Sponsor Retention & Stewardship
CAS has retained the majority of their sponsors year-over-year, thanks to a combination of digital and traditional sponsorship exposure. The digital exposure specifically offered by GolfStatus has been appealing all around for organizers and sponsors. “I really like that we can put all of our sponsors’ logos on the event website and they show up in the app,” Sonia says. Golfers see sponsor logos every time they check the live leaderboards, get event information, or add scores for a hole, adding tremendous value to a sponsor’s investment. Sonia explains that their golf events are also a great chance to further steward sponsors for additional asks and donations. “Once they’ve sponsored a golf event, they tend to be more engaged with us and often attend a banquet or even give an additional business or personal gift,” she says.
Data Collection & Management
CAS recently became part of the Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina, which necessitated a change in donor databases. In the past, CAS had used their CRM for online registration for all of their fundraising events. But the merger meant a new donor database, which didn’t have the capability for online registration or event management. GolfStatus filled this gap, collecting golfer information at the time of registration, ensuring that no information is missed. Following each event, the information is seamlessly imported into the organization’s new donor CRM.
“Keeping track of golfer contact information, handicap, hole assignments, and payment details was so much easier with GolfStatus.”
Time & Resource Savings
GolfStatus’s online platform made it easy for Sonia and her team to stay organized and save time. When golfers and sponsors registered online, their information dropped into the back-end of the software, keeping everything organized in one easy-to-access place. “Keeping track of golfer contact information, handicap, hole assignments, and payment details was so much easier with GolfStatus,” Sonia explains. “Plus it makes the event and our organization look so much more professional.” CAS qualified for GolfStatus’s Golf for Good program, which provides 501(c) organizations with no-cost access to its golf event management software and a free event website. “The fact that GolfStatus offers this at no cost for nonprofits is unbelievable!” says Sonia.
For more information about Christian Adoption Services, visit
Need help with your next golf tournament? GolfStatus is here to help with user-friendly technology that streamlines the process to save time and help you raise more money, plus a responsive in-house customer success team to guide you every step of the way. Nonprofits can qualify for no-cost technology through the Golf for Good program. Click the button below to get qualified or email us directly at [email protected].