What if my golf tournament fundraiser has to be canceled?
AFP Asks:
What if my golf tournament fundraiser has to be canceled?
Whether it’s due to inclement weather or other circumstances, cancelations happen. The best thing you can do? Make a plan and be prepared.
You’ll want to have a simple contingency plan in place for the tournament, just in case you need to cancel or reschedule. Check with the golf facility (before you sign your event contract) about policies surrounding cancelations and postponements, refunds and/or nonrefundable deposits, and unused food and beverage.
When it comes to refunding participants, there are a few routes to go when your event is canceled: Issue refunds, offer registrants the option to convert their support into a donation or accept a refund, or automatically transition purchases into donations. Charity golf tournament participants typically understand that the ultimate goal is to raise money and are often happy to support the cause, even if the event is canceled, so it’s fairly common for fundraisers to plan on automatically converting registrations and sponsorships into donations. Whatever your policy, it’s a good idea to note it on the event website so no one is surprised.
Since cancelations can sometimes be difficult to predict and last-minute, you’ll need easy ways to communicate with event registrants before (and possibly even during) the event. In addition to posting key information on your event website, look for an event management platform that includes the ability to send emails and push notifications to players and sponsors as they register and participate in real time. This saves time and keeps communications prompt and timely.
If you’re looking for a way to keep your event going despite uncertainties like inclement weather and restrictions on group gatherings or social distancing requirements, consider a virtual or hybrid golf event. Adding a virtual round or going completely virtual allows your organization to provide options where supporters plan when it’s convenient for them at the course of their choosing. Players submit their scores to a virtual leaderboard and participate remotely, while sponsors enjoy digital exposure online and on digital leaderboards. What’s more, virtual and hybrid options can be employed last-minute, making it possible to quickly and easily transition an event that would have otherwise been canceled.
About AFP Asks
The AFP Asks content series is part of a strategic partnership between GolfStatus.org and the Association of Fundraising Professionals to support frontline fundraisers with resources, tools, and technology for planning new and existing golf fundraisers. GolfStatus.org’s powerful, user-friendly technology is available to all AFP members and the organizations they serve at no cost. Click here to get qualified or email [email protected].