Do I have to know anything about golf to plan a golf fundraiser?

Atlanta Athletic Golf Course

AFP Asks:

Do I have to know anything about golf to plan a golf tournament?



Many nonprofit event organizers aren’t golfers and don’t have much experience with the game, which may make them hesitant to dive into planning a golf tournament and taking advantage of golf’s charitable potential. But golf knowledge isn’t necessary to hold a successful and lucrative golf tournament fundraiser. Anyone—employees, board members, volunteers, corporate entities, or passionate supporters—can plan a golf tournament.  

To get started, all that’s really needed is a tool to help organizers, planning teams, and volunteers effectively handle the unique intricacies of a golf event. An event management platform specifically designed for golf fundraisers eases the burden for prep and planning and does the heavy lifting in automating the golf-specific details. 

That being said, it certainly can’t hurt to have some golf knowledge on your planning committee or advisory team to lend their expertise and connections. Golf facility staff is also there to help answer questions, provide guidance, and assist the day of the event. Numerous resources are also available to walk you through planning a golf tournament for the first time, or if you’ve been planning golf events for years, find ways to improve your processes. It’s a great idea to learn from the experiences of other organizations, seeing what works, what doesn’t, and get ideas for raising more money for your mission.

About AFP Asks

The AFP Asks content series is part of a strategic partnership between and the Association of Fundraising Professionals to support frontline fundraisers with resources, tools, and technology for planning new and existing golf fundraisers.’s powerful, user-friendly technology is available to all AFP members and the organizations they serve at no cost. Click here to get qualified or email [email protected].

Davita Dick