Volunteer Youth Hockey Organization Benefits From No-Cost Technology for Its Annual Golf Fundraiser

Case Study

Volunteer Youth Hockey Organization Benefits From No-Cost Technology for Its Annual Golf Fundraiser

The Grand Rapids Hockey Golf Classic is keenly aware of the value of its volunteers' time. A completely volunteer-driven effort, the Classic event organizers needed to find a way to streamline the planning process to maximize every volunteer's time and put on a great event. Golf event management technology provided the solution, making promotion, registration, and scoring easy and efficient.


  • Hear how online registration eliminated duplicative data entry.

  • Find out how live-scoring and leaderboards eliminated paper scorecards and provided another avenue for sponsor exposure.

  • Discover how skins games provided an additional fundraising opportunity and side competition to engage golfers.

  • Learn how golf event management technology leveled up the event's professionalism and further engaged participants to maximize fundraising outcomes.

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