Case Study

School Plans Golf Fundraiser in Just Six Weeks to Raise $47,000 for Scholarship Fund

Brazos Christian School in Bryan, Texas serves 450 students in preschool through 12th grade. Its annual golf fundraiser has helped build a $1.2 million endowment for the Thomas Scott Moore Memorial Scholarship Fund. For its 2022 event, a combination of new staff, a change in the tournament date, and a short turnaround meant organizers needed a tech solution for online registration, quickly. Find out how tournament organizers leveraged GolfStatus's golf event management platform to promote the fundraiser, collect registrations and sponsorships, and raise over $47,000.

key takeaways:

  • How an event website saved the school over $1000 in promotional costs.

  • How a responsive success team built an event website built ready to accept registrations and sponsorships in less than 48 hours.

  • How premium digital sponsor exposure provided throughout the golf event management platform raised over $10,000 more than in previous years, without any additional costs to the school.

  • How live-scoring kept golfers and spectators engaged and allowed tournament organizers to track the round’s progress.

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