Case Study

Rural High School's Alumni Golf Tournament Raises Money for Underserved Initiatives

Niobrara County High School in Lusk, Wyoming has an active alumni association that provides funds for scholarships and student activities. To help draw more alumni back for its annual alumni weekend, provide an economic boost to the community, and raise money for the school, the association board launched a golf tournament fundraiser. The tournament, now in its sixth year, made the switch to GolfStatus’s golf event management platform to make planning more efficient and raise even more money for the school.

key takeaways:

  • How the golf tournament no only raised money for scholarships, but drew more alumni to the annual reunion weekend and provided an economic boost to the rural community.

  • How GolfStatus helped modernize the tournament and reduce the manual labor required for registrations, hole assignments, and scoring.

  • How high-end hole and contest prizes has been an effective way of ensuring a stellar tournament experience.

  • How live-scoring engaged alumni of all ages and made finalizing the tournament's results easier.

  • How the platform facilitated collaboration among the planning committee.

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